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помоему ценный домен.

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На сайте с 04.12.2005
помоему ценный домен.
если вы еще придумаете абривиатуру к IFP...
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да он вроде придумал пару:

Investment and Financial Planning

Internet Financial Products

Individual Financial Plan

Integrated Financial Plan

Introduction to Financial Planning

Institute Of Financial Planning

Individual Fitness Plan

Income, Finance and Planning

Income Forecast Professionals

Internet French Property

Internetowe Forum Policyjne

Institute for Physics

International Foreign Policy

Iriver Flash Player

Individual and Family Plans

Internet French Property

International Fellowship Programme

Image Focusing Plate

Independent Film Project

Institut Franco Portugais

Integrated Fruit Production

International Foundation Programme

Investing for Prosperity

Institut Francais du Petrole

Inkatha Freedom Party

In Forma Pauperis (without the funds to pursue the normal costs of a lawsuit or criminal defense)

International Fellowships Program

Independent Feature Project

Idependence Freedom Party (Botswana)

Instruction Fetch Pipeline (microprocessor design/feature)

Internal Floating Piston (shock absorber)

Interim Fuel Participation (UPS fuel price variation surcharge)

Interface Processor

Instituto Felix Pacheco (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Bullhead City, AZ, USA - Bullhead (Airport Code)

Intensive Field Phase

Internet Fax Protocol (IETF T.38)

Invitation For Proposal

Instrument Flight Procedure

Internet Facsimile Protocol

Isurance Federation of Pennsylvania

Infinity Face Paint (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater game)

Interactive Forecast Program

In-Flight Performance

Integrated Farming Program

Image Formation Processing

Integer Factoring Problem

Initial Field Point

Instrument Function and Parametric Data Interface

Inherently Flame Proof (fabrics)

Instant Forms Plus (WU)

International Facility Planner System (Sprint)

International Fellowship Program

International Forest Products

Industrial Forest Plantation

Image Formation and Processing

International Federation for Psychotherapy

Inkhata Freedom Party

Institute For Photogrammetry

Informed Financial Planning

Increased Flexibility Programme

International Fellows Program

Independent Film Producer

International Federation of Psychotherapy

Institut Fuer Pflanzenkultur

Interns for Peace

Interactive Fiction Plugin

International Flagpoles

International Fellowships Programme

Interstitial Fluid Pressure

Independent Film Projects

Integrated Fisheries Project

Institute for Psychology

International Fire Protection

Inverse Functional Properties

International Focus Programme

Invitation For Proposals

Integer Factorization Problem

Iatrogenic femoral pseudoaneurysms

idiopathic facial palsy

idiopathic facial paralysis

inflammatory fibroid polyp

inflammatory fibroid polyps

inflammatory foci-positive

inspiratory flow profile

instantaneous frequency pattern

intermediate filament protein

interstitial fluid pressures

intracapsular fluid pressure

Intracellular fluorescence polarization

intractable facial pain

intramyocardial fluid pressure

isolated fish protein

isolated forearm procedure

Institute for Plant

internetowy festiwal piosenki

International Federation of Pedestrians

insufflation pressure

Intelligent Forms Processing

implant-supported fixed prostheses

Intermediate-sized filament proteins

interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure

Intraperitoneal fluid hydrostatic pressure

Integer to Floating Point

Integrated Forest Products

intrafollicular pressure

International Fairs Promotion

Instrument Foreign Pilot

International Field Position

Institute of Forest Productivity

Initial Flight Plan

Imported Foods Program

Integrierter Fertigungsplan

Intermoney Financial Products

Industrial Finance Program

Integer Factorisation Problem

Instantaneous Floating Point

International Federation of Purchasing

Instrumentation Factories Plan

Interactive Forms Processing

Ideation Failure Prediction

Integrated Field Planning

Intermediate Frequency Processor

International Forum of Psychoanalysis

Involve Fellowship

Independent Filmmakers and Producers

Iowa Fluid Power

Inst Felix Pacheco

Institution for Paper

Integrated Family Planning

Indigenous Family Program

Indian Furniture Products

Inside Front Page

Integrated Fuel Processor

Interdisziplinaere Forschungsprojekte

International Federation of hytosociology

Imperial Focus Points

International Fiber Packaging

Intelligent Front Panel

Intermediate Filament Proteins

Imaging Faraday Partnership

Inkless Fingerprint Pad

Institute for Professional

Invitation for Prequalification

Image Formation Processor

Integrated Fire Protection

Inter Faculty Programmes

Inhaled Fluticasone Propionate

Insurance Financial Planner

International Fun Place

Individual Fruit Pie

Institute for Psychohistory

Integral Fibrillar Proteins

Integrated Fruit Programme

Intragranular Ferrite Plate

Immigrant Farming Projects

Insan Foundation Pakistan

Inshore Floating Processor

Institute for Paraplegiology

Integrated File Processor

Intergrated Fruit Production

Intervention for Proficiency

Industrial Fugitive Process

Information Focal Points

Integrated Facilities Plan

Integral Fastening Program

I Framework Programme

Illinois Farmland Protection

Illinois Fishing Page

Illinois Fishing Prospects

Illinois Fuel and Powe

Illinois Fuel and Power

Illinois Fuel and Prospecting

Index to Forest Products

Indonesian Food Palace

Inspection Frequency Proposed

Institut F|r Politikwissenschaft

Institut Fⁿr PalΣontologie

Institut Fⁿr Photogrammetri

Institut Fⁿr Photogrammetrie

Institut Fⁿr Physik

Institut Fⁿr Physikalische

Institut Fⁿr Physiologie

Institut Fⁿr Plasmaphysik

Institut Fⁿr Produktionsanl

Institut Fⁿr Produktionsanlagen

Institut Fⁿr Produktionstec

Institut Fur Photogrammetri

Institut Fur Planungsdate

Institut Fur Planungsdaten

Institute of Forensic Pathology

Intensive Feeding Program

Interactive Function Plotter

Intermediate Frequency Process

International Federation of Palynologists

International Flags and Pennants

Interstate Fuel and Power

Introduction to Foodborne Pathog

Introduction to Fukui Prefecture

Irish Folklore Poetry

На сайте с 04.12.2005
там уже вроде 6100

только цена вроде в Eur

На сайте с 12.07.2007

10-14к$ imho. Но на седо много не дадут за него.

На сайте с 04.12.2005
10-14к$ imho. Но на седо много не дадут за него.

а почему не дадут?


реально 600 гринов

На сайте с 02.12.2005

Данный домен точно уйдет дороже 5к. Вопрос насколько. Мой прогноз - в пределах 7-10к

Продается домен под сайт об Испании (http://www.ispania.org).
На сайте с 04.12.2005

Ого, уже 13,500 USD! И осталось еще неделя.


На сайте с 22.11.2005
думаю пару килобаксов на нем поднять можно

пару десятков ;)

Господа, зачем гадать если с зонами .com не работали? рушки под килобакс порой трёхбуквенные доходят, а здесь .com которая в десятки раз ценей.

порядка 20 килобаксов с небольшими плюс минус можно выручить без хлопот, если умело подойти, то и больше.


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