Файлообменники, которые остались и платят - часть 2 (основная тема)

На сайте с 26.03.2009

Я бы не регился в обильно прибывающих на серч адалт-партнерках с платниками. Может быть, у меня паранойя, но что-то меня удерживает от этого.

Памятники из мрамора и гранита (http://pamyat59.ru) Охота на медведя на овсах (http://ohota59.ru)
На сайте с 06.07.2012

Не нужно много буков... Король :) порно косвенно признал, что не презговал малолетками.. Педофил - педераст, мля. Все посты о нём следует начинать с [ AdultKing - known pedophile ]. Через три дня поисковики прояснят ситуацию для всего мира.

На сайте с 07.11.2010

Кто в курсе хотфайл в какие или какое число выплату делает?

Кто в курсе хотфайл в какие или какое число выплату делает?

каждое 15 число через месяц, не думаю что ты получишь выплату, но кто знает, удачи! :)

На сайте с 05.05.2009
каждое 15 число через месяц, не думаю что ты получишь выплату, но кто знает, удачи!

Хотфайл продолжает банить направо и налево?

Хотфайл продолжает банить направо и налево?

Врочем как и все остальные ФО, стоит только один раз прийти абузе.

На сайте с 19.03.2011
Цитата: Сообщение от trudyga334
здраствуйте, хотел узнать, у кого уже блокировали аккаунт на депозите. Что делать если аккаунт заблокирован? Ко мне сегодня пришло письмо -
Dear User,

We regret to inform you that your DepositFiles user account has been disabled subject to Cl. 8.2 of Depositfiles User Agreement for violation of Subclause 3.1.(i) of the User Agreement i.e. repeating copyright infringement.

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Yours sincerely,
Depositfiles Team

и в аккаунт никак не попасть, хотя я ничего такого запрещенного не заливал, конечно были старые файлы, не удаленные но раньше ничего не происходило.

Наверно у Вас был нелегальный контент. Выплату не запрашивали?

Цитата: 8.2. DepositFiles сохраняет за собой право в любое время на свое усмотрение изменять или удалять любую опубликованную информацию или контент, замораживать, прекращать или ограничивать ваш доступ к услугам из-за нарушения этого Пользовательского соглашения; повторного нарушения авторских прав; ущерба, нанесенного сервису DepositFiles или по другим причинам, без возмещения любых платежей, с уведомлением или без несения ответственности за ущерб, понесенный вами вследствие таких действий.

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писал уже депозиту и вот что пришло:

Dear User,

Sadly your Content have been removed under procedure prescribed under DMCA. Therefore you have to prove the legality of such Content also under DMCA.

The procedure is as follows:

1. DepositFiles has received DMCA notice and it has been considered legally substantial to suspect copyright infringement;

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4. If within two weeks the alleged copyright owner does not initiate lawsuit against you – DMCA revokes the copyright infringement accusation regarding the particular URL.

The DMCA counter-notice should include the following:

i. Your name, address, and phone number;

ii. Detailed description of the Content and its URL before it was removed;

iii. Detailed description of your legal rights to Content which voids initial DMCA notice. It may be as follows:

a. You are the author or co-author;

b. The copyright owner or any other authorized party has granted you sufficient rights to Content;

c. The Content is not covered by copyright; and/or

d. Your use of the copyrighted work is a fair use.

iv. A statement under penalty of perjury that the Conent was removed by mistake or misidentification;

v. Your consent to either:

a. If you are in the U.S. – the jurisdiction of a federal court in the district where you live; or

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Taking in account the above, to revoke copyright infringement accusations, please furnish us with separate DMCA counter-notices regarding following Content:

[filename], located at

Lauren_Phoenix___April_Flowers_-_Ass_Worship_5__2003_.part2.rar, located at http://depositfiles.com/files/rhb3m3hrq
Kaylynn_Calloway_-_Ass_Worship_5__2003_.part2.rar, located at http://depositfiles.com/files/rld3l4jfz
Olivia_O_Lovely_-_Ass_Worship_5__2003_.part1.rar, located at http://depositfiles.com/files/r6m6v9pl5
Olivia_O_Lovely_-_Ass_Worship_5__2003_.part2.rar, located at http://depositfiles.com/files/getq8068o
Lauren_Phoenix___April_Flowers_-_Ass_Worship_5__2003_.part1.rar, located at http://depositfiles.com/files/2s4iu6ply
Kaylynn_Calloway_-_Ass_Worship_5__2003_.part1.rar, located at http://depositfiles.com/files/0vfdnrab0
Fa St - P o Ge en.avi, located at http://depositfiles.com/files/p9qn70vo7
Si Di - Str & Pa Pi r 39 (2002).part1.rar, located at http://depositfiles.com/files/ijwvejqcd
Si Di - Str & Pa Pi r 39 (2002).part2.rar, located at http://depositfiles.com/files/9lc9n22nk
Gi Bl - Bl Fi Gu (2010).part1.rar, located at http://depositfiles.com/files/vad57k7rs
Gi Bl - Bl Fi Gu (2010).part2.rar, located at http://depositfiles.com/files/g88o2lb2a
Le Lu - F st & S kt (2007) sc 1.avi, located at http://depositfiles.com/files/3vg2bxldi

Please consider help of a competent lawyer prior filing DMCA counter-notices as the risk of litigation is very high. However there are precedents of winning such lawsuits with damages compensation.

If all parties concerned are not subject to US laws, the procedure may be simplified upon the discretion of DepositFiles.

Upon request DepositFiles may provide you with details of the alleged copyright owner of certain Content, however there are no guarantees of completeness and veracity of such data.

DepositFiles may pardon the copyright infringement regarding one or two files (the law as well as DepositFiles policy prescribes to terminate accounts upon malicious repeat infringements).

Yours sincerely,
DepositFiles team
не реал походу, можно забить на аккаунт

На сайте с 19.07.2010

Походу новые правила игры в действии. Видимо движемся к следующему формату работы на фо: один тред - один акк.

Хроники заговора мировой копирастии (http://sharingnews.info)
На сайте с 23.02.2012

Подскажите, может кто в курсе, что с filealliance, почему убрали кнопку "загрузить файл" и возможно ли будет загружать файлы?

На сайте с 05.07.2012

m.zelepukin, спасибо за поддержку. Будет замечательно, если вы сможете разместить эту информацию на своих ресурсах. Хочу сказать всем, что не стоит быть такими уж пассивными. Те ребята, которые сейчас убивают целый сектор интернета с далеко идущими последствиями, далеко не так честны и невинны, как хотят выглядеть. То, что было написано здесь: /ru/forum/comment/10584110, так никем и не опровергнуто. AdultKing позволил себе лишь коротко огрызнуться, а его фанатам абсолютно все равно, кто делает грязную работу. Однако, будучи "невиновным", публикацию этого на своих блогах он отклонил. Молча. Хоть это и отнимает довольно много времени, но немало интересного можно отыскать в интернете. Прошу вас прочитать еще немного, уже о наших уважаемых и всем знакомых порно производителях, которые кстати стоят в авангарде борьбы с файлхостингами. Еще раз прошу, если есть возможность донести это до людей - сделайте это! Написал на английском, т.к. в первую очередь это должны увидеть именно западные пользователи. Если кто-то может, разместите это на wjunction, 4chan, torrentfreak и.т.д. Я не выступаю в роли адвоката ФО, ни при таких движениях, скоро мы будем скачивать с интернета вводя паспортные данные.

Another bit of information about what anti-piracy coalition really is.

Here's a great find on one of the biggest porn webmasters resources: http://www.master-x.com/forum/topics/142701/

Anfortunately it's in russian but I'll give you a small overview what is it about. If there are persons who can translate this thread completely, it would be interesting for those who can ask some questions

to these "legal" porn makers.

So, this thread is about porn industry background. About how it was in early 2000's. Seems like it was very fun, because they were able to make really nasty things such as converting underage traffic, sell

child illegal materials including child nudily or even porn. Interesting?

To prove the following just use translate.google.com and make sure translate is correct

Here's one old master-x member reminding others, that almost all of them was starting with converting lolitas traffic on their own paysites: http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1901735/#1901735 SO SICK!

Look at this one: http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1901779/#1901779 Literraly: "This thread will take us into troubles. P.S. Many of those who was sending traff to underage paysites are denying this

fact now, but I'm don't see a sense to point on them".

Why not? We all want to know it. Oh wait, you SHOULD POINT ON THEM or you'll be a criminal just like they are.

Another guy from the party was starting with profitting with rape content: http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1901900/#1901900 How clever.

One sentence from this message http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1902046/#1902046 : "actually we are all accomplices here: trojans-spambots-DDosbots-traffic-porn-spam" The only question is: why is this

crew not in jail yet, huh?

And finally, meet Nautilus! BIG fish, owner of porn business ferrocash.com. The biggest donator of stopfilelockers.com company, dear friend of AdultKing. He's smart enough to post a denial in this brilliant

thread. He need to make it because he's innocent! Here's his message: http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1902304/#1902304 The biggest thing of his message: He admits the fact that he was doing business

on the same market place with underage content sellers. But he gives his word of honor, he was selling only legal content... on market place with lolitas. Important reason to ask him few questions, I guess.

Also he talk about billings which were loyal to underage sales, unknow persons who was selling prohibited underage content. So much information! Why is FBI still not informated? Another accomplices as I can

understand. Oh that naughty Nautilus! Unfortunately I have to recall my "smart" thesis pointed to Nautilus.

Here's the answer to Nautilus's message, no comments http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1902381/#1902381:

"Not all of us were selling lolitas directly, but all were sending traffic from TOPs with lolitas, from CJs to our own sites and to paysites which were a bit more legit that times. Want prove me wrong?

There were persons who was selling lolitas from banners (hello AdultKing), even from banners with CP. There were guys who was selling teenagers rape and incest using illegal lolitas traffic. Some of us was

sending trojans with this traffic. There was no difference what kind of traff it was, the convertation was pretty good and we was sending it everywhere for profit..." and so on. I repeat the full translation

of the thread should be made and sent to the authorities. Any help is welcome.

Here's one of the respected webmasters hints about master-x background http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1902628/#1902628 . Looks like it's founder was into a dirty business too.

Here we see how master-x moderator deleted a proof from web archive of using underage traffic to profit: http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1902674/#1902674 . Why?

User X777 is scared http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1902686/#1902686: he think somebody is reading this topic and collecting their nicknames. I bet he's right. Lol

Here's one of the users asks to close this thread, because up to a half of master-x users can suffer from opening this information http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1904414/#1904414

Another guuy ask to close the topic: http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1904737/#1904737

Another one: http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1904741/#1904741

One more: http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1904742/#1904742

More: http://www.master-x.com/forum/postings/1904806/#1904806

Now these guys fight or donate the fight for clean internet. It's VERY IMPORTANT. If you have ability or ideas about how to let people, authorities, police to know about it, do it. Dig internet, it's full of

profit. These two-faced bastards should be punished.

If you haven't seen the first invertigation, check this url: /ru/forum/comment/10584110

You must agree, all these facts should be investigated.

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