rescue образ

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Подскажите пожалуйста как подключится к спасательному образу системы FreeBSD в ?

В панели управления сервером написано, что rescue образ запущен, но как подключится к нему не пойму.

Настройка BSD систем. ( Знание сила, незнание Рабочая сила!
На сайте с 14.05.2010

Starting your server in rescue mode

updated by Technical Support (Mar 07, 2018)

Description This page describes how to start your Dedicated & Bare Metal Server in rescue mode through the Action panel in the Customer Portal.

Rescue mode

You can reboot your server in rescue mode if your operating system fails to boot or if you do not have access to your server anymore. Rescue mode, or LiveOS is a linux environment equipped with tools to support accessing your data. You can try to resolve the issue or back up data before performing a re-installation. Please see Resolving server issues in Rescue Mode for support with troubleshooting.

How to start rebooting a Dedicated or Bare Metal Server in rescue mode

Perform the following steps to start your server in rescue mode:

In the menu bar, under Dedicated & Bare Metal Servers, select All servers.

The All Servers Overview page displays.

Click the Server name / Manage icon for the server that you want to reboot in rescue mode.

The Server Details page displays.

Качественная помощь в обслуживании серверов. (/ru/forum/661100) Бесплатных консультаций не даю, не помогаю, не обучаю. Минималка от 100$. Как пропатчить KDE-просьба не спрашивать. Есть форумы ( и полезные сайты (
На сайте с 17.09.2012
Starting your server in rescue mode
updated by Technical Support (Mar 07, 2018)
Description This page describes how to start your Dedicated & Bare Metal Server in rescue mode through the Action panel in the Customer Portal.

Rescue mode
You can reboot your server in rescue mode if your operating system fails to boot or if you do not have access to your server anymore. Rescue mode, or LiveOS is a linux environment equipped with tools to support accessing your data. You can try to resolve the issue or back up data before performing a re-installation. Please see Resolving server issues in Rescue Mode for support with troubleshooting.

How to start rebooting a Dedicated or Bare Metal Server in rescue mode
Perform the following steps to start your server in rescue mode:

In the menu bar, under Dedicated & Bare Metal Servers, select All servers.
The All Servers Overview page displays.
Click the Server name / Manage icon for the server that you want to reboot in rescue mode.
The Server Details page displays.

Так и сделал, написано что спасательный образ запущен, письмо на почту не приходит.

На сайте с 14.05.2010

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