Не запускается msql

На сайте с 31.01.2020

Доброго времени суток. Прощу помощи

Расписываю ситуацию:

1. Сервер на Debian жесткий на 10 Гигабайт+vesta cp

Стало мало место на диске, нашел причину в папке Бекап ( в корне сервера)

2. В папке Бекап удалил все папки с названиями temp

3. После этого не стал запускаться msql


[CODЕ] innodb_open_files should not be greater than the open_files_limit.

2020-01-31 1:41:51 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: innodb_empty_free_list_algorithm has been changed to legacy because of small buffer pool size. In order to use backoff, increase buffer pool at least up to 20MB.

2020-01-31 1:41:51 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: Using mutexes to ref count buffer pool pages

2020-01-31 1:41:51 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled

2020-01-31 1:41:51 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins

2020-01-31 1:41:51 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: GCC builtin __atomic_thread_fence() is used for memory barrier

2020-01-31 1:41:51 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.8

2020-01-31 1:41:51 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO

2020-01-31 1:41:51 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: Using SSE crc32 instructions

2020-01-31 1:41:51 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M

2020-01-31 1:41:51 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool

InnoDB: Warning: you must raise the value of innodb_open_files in

InnoDB: my.cnf! Remember that InnoDB keeps all log files and all system

InnoDB: tablespace files open for the whole time mysqld is running, and

InnoDB: needs to open also some .ibd files if the file-per-table storage

InnoDB: model is used. Current open files 1, max allowed open files 10.

InnoDB: Warning: you must raise the value of innodb_open_files in

InnoDB: my.cnf! Remember that InnoDB keeps all log files and all system

InnoDB: tablespace files open for the whole time mysqld is running, and

InnoDB: needs to open also some .ibd files if the file-per-table storage

InnoDB: model is used. Current open files 2, max allowed open files 10.

InnoDB: Warning: you must raise the value of innodb_open_files in

InnoDB: my.cnf! Remember that InnoDB keeps all log files and all system

InnoDB: tablespace files open for the whole time mysqld is running, and

InnoDB: needs to open also some .ibd files if the file-per-table storage

InnoDB: model is used. Current open files 3, max allowed open files 10.

2020-01-31 1:41:51 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.

2020-01-31 1:41:53 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segment(s) are active.

2020-01-31 1:41:53 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start

2020-01-31 1:41:53 47719548640448 [Note] InnoDB: Percona XtraDB (http://www.percona.com) 5.6.44-86.0 started; log sequence number 2719281532

2020-01-31 1:41:53 47719934596864 [Note] InnoDB: Dumping buffer pool(s) not yet started

2020-01-31 1:41:54 47719548640448 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled.

2020-01-31 1:41:54 47719548640448 [Note] Recovering after a crash using tc.log

2020-01-31 1:41:54 47719548640448 [ERROR] Can't init tc log

2020-01-31 1:41:54 47719548640448 [ERROR] Aborting


4. Проверил место командой du

выдал след :


8.0K ./.ssh

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/php5

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/spamassassin

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/bind

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/mongodb

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/vesta

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/apache2

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/proftpd

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/clamd

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/exim4

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/nginx

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/php

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/vsftpd

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/dovecot

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/mysql

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/php5-fpm

4.0K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037/postgresql

68K ./vst_install_backups/1566416037

72K ./vst_install_backups

144K . [/CODЕ]

Жесткий на 10 г

На сайте с 17.09.2012

покажите df -h

Возможно раздел вар переполнен.

Вот по вашей проблеме.


Настройка BSD систем. (https://www.fryaha.ru) Знание сила, незнание Рабочая сила!
На сайте с 01.05.2010

You should set the open_files_limit variable together with the operating system limits. You should study how init.d or SystemD works if you see values that you don’t expect.

Посмотрите ещё

mysqladmin -uroot -p variables | grep open_files_limit

VDS хостинг ( http://clck.ru/0u97l ) Нет нерешаемых задач ( https://searchengines.guru/ru/forum/806725 ) | Перенос сайтов на Drupal 7 с любых CMS. ( https://searchengines.guru/ru/forum/531842/page6#comment_10504844 )

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