mysql 5.7.31 PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation' when trying to dump tablespaces

На сайте с 17.09.2012

Добрый вечер.

Обновился до версии mysql 5.7.31, появилась ошибка при дампе базы.

mysqldump: Error: 'Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation' when trying to dump tablespaces

Если бэкапить с опцией mysqldump -u dev -p -B dev --no-tablespaces > /mnt/de.sql то без ошибки.

Баг в новой версии мускула?

Настройка BSD систем. ( Знание сила, незнание Рабочая сила!
На сайте с 27.07.2008
baas :
mysqldump: Error: 'Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation' when trying to dump tablespaces

Security Notes

  • Incompatible Change: Access to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table now requires the PROCESS privilege.

    This change affects users of the mysqldump command, which accesses tablespace information in the FILES table, and thus now requires the PROCESS privilege as well. Users who do not need to dump tablespace information can work around this requirement by invoking mysqldump with the --no-tablespaces option. (Bug #30350829)

MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: 24.9 The INFORMATION_SCHEMA FILES Table
For : The tablespace ID, also referred to as the or . For : A file identifier. column values are auto-generated. For : The name of the data file. File-per-table and general tablespaces have an file name extension. Undo tablespaces are prefixed by . The system tablespace is prefixed by . Temporary tablespaces are prefixed by . The file name...
На сайте с 17.09.2012
Значит использовать при бэкапе базы  --no-tablespaces, странно почему по умолчанию этот параметр не добавили к mysqldump.

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